Medical plants
Medical plants
Illustration series of Medical plants based on the book by tatar scientist Kayum Nasyri (1825–1902)
Paper collage, handmade textures.
Commissioned work for SMENA
Kazan, 2018

Guzel Garipova

Having a background in architecture,
I chose to follow my childhood love for drawing.
Since then I’ve illustrated 11 books, Shortlisted The Unpublished Picturebook Showcase 4 (2022) by dPictus, won Hiii Illustration Awards 2020, Carpetvista 2019 and was shortlisted at WIA 2019.

Alongside with supporting female communities one of my main professional interests is investing in further development of local Tatar culture and language.
As an art teacher I’m interested in projects encouraging curiosity and creative thinking in kids.